Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today’s prompt is to talk about what I think about human’s greatest strength. 
Human’s greatest strength is of course, intelligence. 
This is what separates us humans from other animals.  We have the highest level of intelligence compared to any living species on earth.  Most animals can’t even use tools in their everyday life.  Some monkeys were shown that they use tools but they are not even close to human abilities.  We can see that humans are intellectually at the highest level because society on earth today, is dominated by humans.  Inventions, ideas, government, society, all of earth is dominated by humans.
All living organisms will face different types of disabilities during their lifetime and humans are the only species that are able to treat their disabilities.  For example, when the eyes do not function as well as they are supposed to, humans get glasses or contact lenses to deal with it.  On the other hand, other animals, when faced with a disability, just deal with it until they die.  Some animals are treated for their disabilities but the ones who treat them are humans, which shows again the high intelligence of humans.
Animals do not even have a system of government which is the most basic thing that is needed in a population.  Some animals do have “government”, if it can be called as one, because there is the highest animal, the middle class animal, and the lowest class animal in a given population.  For example, in a lion population, there is only one lion that is the highest class.  The wife of the king lion and the family is the middle class and the others are lower class.  As you can see, “government” does also exist in an animal population, but it differs from human government by a whole lot mainly due to the reason that there are no rules or punishments.  Human government have laws that citizens need to follow and punishments that citizens get for now following the law.  This is what keeps order and peace.  Without laws, I can guarantee that society everywhere would not even last a month.  This is a smart thing to do which again, shows the superior intelligence of humans.
Another strength of humans is our ability to speak.  Other animals do communicate with each other but of course, do not have a definite language as us humans.  What animal speaks English?  What animal has a system of writing called the alphabet?  Nothing.  NO other animal has a definite and perfect way to communicate as humans.  Wolves can howl, dogs can bark, cats can meow, and this is all communication, but it all doesn’t have a definite meaning.  All they can communicate is things like “hello”, or I am hungry, or I am hurt.  Humans can say anything that is in their minds and people will understand.
Imagine if humans didn’t have the mouth structure and tongue that allows us to communicate as we do today.  It would be a disaster.  We would eventually make signs that would allow us to communicate but it wouldn’t be as effective as it is ours.  For example, how would we study in schools if we didn’t have the alphabet?  If we couldn’t study in schools, what would society turn out to become?  It would be a complete disaster.  There would be no society and everybody would live as an individual, not needing to communicate.


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