7 Deadly Sins
Today’s blog is to
talk about the seven deadly sins. The
seven deadly sins include Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, and
Sloth. Pride is excessive belief in one’s
abilities, also known as vanity. Envy is
the desire for others’ traits, statuses, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is the desire to consume more than
that which one requires. Lust is the
cravings for the pleasures of the body.
Anger is wrath. Greed is the
desire for material wealth or gain.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
I think the guiltiest sin that
applies to me is sloth or greed. I am a
lazy person. Everyone is lazy. I always look for shortcuts and an easier way
out to do everything. I hate when
someone tell me to do something especially when I am all relaxed and
comfy. For example, if I am lying down
on the couch watching TV and all relaxed and someone tells me to get something
for them, it makes me feel like not getting up.
I’m not saying that I lay down in bed all day and all night and not move
and inch. I’m the kind of person that
relaxes when I need to and works when I need to. I like to go out and play with friends. That’s the when the laziness comes in. The laziness comes in when I am resting and
relaxing but something I have to do appear. Another example of laziness that I have is
waking up in the morning. I always tell
myself,” 1 more minute, 2 more minutes” because I am lazy to wake up. This continues on and on and ends up being
late for school. I also do my homework
and studying at the last minute. I
always try to tell myself that its better to do it in advance but always end up
procrastinating. This procrastination
takes up a lot of my sleep time and therefore makes me tired.
My next sin is greediness. Greediness, as stated above, is the desire
for material wealth or gain. The
important part is that it is the desire for material wealth or gain, IGNORING
reality and just makes the desire to want something. I personally believe that everyone has
greed. Even though it might not seem so,
such as people who don’t care about money, but they all have some sort of greed
in their own way. For example, the
people who don’t care about money might look as if they have no greed but
actually they have greed on something else they want. The reason I think that I have greediness is
because when I see someone have something really nice, I start wanting it. Another thing is, I like money. I would never refuse if someone gives me
money, even if it’s over the amount that I actually need. I still don’t steal or anything, greed is just
a feeling, not an action.
I chose these two sins because I think
they are the most common sins that I do.
To be honest, all those 7 deadly sins describe me. Anyways, these are the reasons why I apply
with the two sins I chose. Wait up for
my next blog!!