Thursday, August 8, 2013



                        New Years Resolution


   A resolution is a firm decision to do something, a goal that a person wants to achieve. Setting a resolution to oneself is a great way to accomplish things over a particular time period.  This year I gave myself three goals for myself to accomplish.

   My first goal of 2013 is to pass my driver's license exam.  This year I am turning sixteen and is allowed to test for a license.  In the driver's license test, there is a written test, a vision test, and a the actual driving test.  Written test asks about the rules of the road and what to do in certain situations.  The visual test checks your eyesight to see if your eyesight is qualified for driving on public roads.  Finally, the driving test is the part where you actually drive a car with a person that scores you on how you are driving.  I've always wanted to have my own private car and drive around places that I needed to go without the help of my parents.  Since I really want a driver's license, I promised myself to study hard for the exam and pass in one shot.

     My second goal is to learn yoga.  Yoga is basically a term for the physical, mental, and spiritual practices that is done to achieve a state of peace.  Yoga is seen to many people as just stretching but is actually a very difficult activity that involves many things.  It can actually alleviate health problems, especially problems that involve the spine.  Apart from that, it reduces stress, which is the main reason that I want to learn it.  Since I am in the eleventh grade, I will get a lot of stress.  If that stress never gets relieved and just keeps getting bigger, it can have a big effect on my physical body and my school grades.  Yoga is so effective at reducing stress that it is actually used as a therapy.  This goal is perfect for this year because we get to take a yoga class in school this year.  Our whole class follows the teacher doing yoga and tries to forget about the stress we get from school and relax.  I figured that if I learned yoga, it would be useful in my future days, for example, my college days.  College is a very stressful time of the life due to the nonstop work given by professors.  It is so stressful that a lot of students in college commit suicide.  If I teach myself yoga this year, I could relieve my stress in college or wherever I want to.

     My last goal is to pass my Advanced Placement classes.  This year is my junior year in high school and is taking two AP courses.  AP courses are college leveled classes for high school students.  This year I am taking two AP courses, Statistics and English. In order to achieve this goal, I learned from last year that a lot of study time is required.  Due to this reason I'm going to make a time schedule on when to study AP.  Since I took one AP course last year as a sophomore, I know how hard AP courses are and got more motivation.  I am aiming for at least a 4 on the scale of 5 for my May exams.

     These goals are not easy to achieve and will have problems achieving them, but since I made the promise to myself to successfully achieve them, I will try my best.  If one has no goal and nothing to work towards, there is no meaning of life.

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