Monday, August 19, 2013

Love Metaphor

Love Metaphor

                 A metaphor is like a symbol, it compares the similarities between two things.  It is different from a simile because it doesn't use the word like or as.
                My favorite metaphor for love is that love is a story book.  I particularly favor this metaphor because it doesn't just show the good things of love but also the bad things. 
           Love is a story book because story books are have their own particular story that is different from any other book.  Books all have a different theme and a lesson.  All books have main characters and their particular characteristic along with the other characters and their characteristics.  There is not a single book that is identical.  Even a parody of a book is not identical.  This is same as love.  Love is interesting because every love is different and have their own special story.  For example, for a particular couple, they might have a couple ring that means something special to them and some other couple might have a book that they made themselves with pictures of their treasured memories.  All these are different and mean different things for a particular couple.  There is no identical love, which makes them more special.
                Love is a story book because it has a setting.  Story books have to have a setting, where the story begins, where the story takes place, where it ends.  This is same as love.  Love always has a setting, the place where someone fell in love at first sight, the place where memories are made, and also the place where love ends. For example, if you saw a girl in a movie theater and fell in love at first sight, that movie theater is the setting of where your love for that girl began.
                Love is a story book because it stays in our memories.  For example, everyone remembers the story book of Snow White.  It just stays in our memories similar to love.  Everyone remembers their love stories, even though not clearly, it is somewhere in their memories.  A good example of this might be my cousin who got married last year.  He married this girl he dated for a long time and they both loved each other, but he told me that his wife still remembers her first love.  She remembered her first love’s name and almost every detail about it.  She even remembered the fights she had with her first love and what the results were.   It might be a good memory or a bad memory but it is still a memory.
                Love is a story book because it has its ups and downs.  A good story book always has a villain or whatever becomes a threat to the story.  Due to this villain, the bright and happy story book might change into a sad one.  On the other hand, the story might get better and end in a happy ending.  Love is the same, it has its ups and downs.  For example, the “ups” part might be when a couple has a party celebrating a special occasion and have the greatest time of their lives.  The “downs” part might be when a couple gets into a fight and don’t talk to each other for a long time. 

                Love is something that can’t be explained all in one blog.  These are some of the things that make me think love is a special thing.  There are of course much more reasons why love is special, but I listed my main reasons for thinking that.  

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