Thursday, December 12, 2013

50 TYSON!!!

Im 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tysonIm 50 tyson
Im from north side  zone twin city minnesota thats where Im from. Im a ball player i was meant to be a ball player, i was meant to be a football player. Thats why im in athletics. this year im 16 and next yaer im what.............. wha was that?? remixxxxxxxx  Im 50 tyson


Today’s blog is what I think about art. 
Some people say that art is not important but I completely disagree.  I think that art is a something that you can express your emotions in.  That is not common in the world which makes it more special.  Our school had an art class and I completely enjoyed it.  I took out my stress in that class.  That was the only class in school that I actually enjoyed.
                Colleges do not look at your art class grade if your school had one.  This is a right thing to do but it doesn’t mean that art is something that should be taken for granted.
                What do you think of when you hear the word “Art”?  Most people would think of paintings like Mona Lisa or a picture.  But art exists in many forms and shapes.  For example, musicians view their music as art.  Collectors call their collection art. As you can see, if one can see beauty in something, it is art to them.  There is a good example of this and that is my dad.  My dad liked to collect car models when he was young.  He made me try when I was young but it wasn’t really my type.  To him, those cars that he collected were art in his eyes.  When grandma got rid of them because she thought it was trash, my dad got really mad at her for touching his stuff, especially his most value items.  After that day, grandma did not touch my dad’s stuff without his permission.  As seen in my dad’s story, art is something that is special and meaningful to someone.
                Something that I want to point out is that art doesn’t have to be something expensive and nice.  It could be trash to someone who doesn’t know the value of it.  For example, if someone’s mom gave it to him as a present but now it is old and dusty, it is still art to him.  If other people see it and not know the story behind that item, it will look like old crap and trash to them.  But for the person who received that present from his mom, it is a very special thing to them.  These kinds of situations are shown often in movies.  I have seen one movie where one guy protects an old rusty necklace because that is something that his mom gave it to him on the day she passed away.  That was all he had left of her.  This is art.

                Everyone has their “art”.  Even you.  Maybe you won’t know it but you might see something very beautiful when everyone sees it as trash.  That is art to you.


Today’s topic is to talk about how I connect to others.
Today’s technology allows us to communicate without actually meeting face to face.  I go online on Facebook at least once a day to check if anyone contacted me.  There are also cellphones and other tech that allows us to contact the minute we want to.  Even though we have these nice and cool technology, some people try to meet face to face, especially if it is an important meeting. I connect to others in a special kind of way. I connect to others through mostly technology, like kakao talk or facebook, or twitter, or tumblr. 
                Another way of connecting to others is by connecting with heart.  This only happens between really close people like couples or brothers or parents and so on.  I see this as the real connection where no words are needed between the connections.  It is like a natural connection that forms when two or more people get really close. 
                A connection is not made from the start, it starts with words.  I like to connect to people too and I do it by just spending time and talking.  We share our similarities and differences and just talk about what we think about it.  This looks not important but it is an important skill that needs to be learned in life.  Making connections with people around is a skill that will get you friends or people that you will need when you are having a hard time.  For example, if one does not know this skill, he or she won’t get any friends.  Then when he or she goes into a hard time for something, which will happen at least once in a lifetime, he or she won’t have anybody to stay by their side.  
Everybody Needs a Friend                Our race or age doesn’t matter when it comes to making connections.  I could bond with my grandpa and that is a connection.  I have friends who are all different races with me and that doesn’t come in the way of I making a connection with them.  Now they are people who I need in my life. 

                When a successful connection has occurred, it is not really common for really close people to separate.  


What’s the meaning of life?
            The meaning of life to me is fun and happiness.  There is studying and working and hard times in life but that is all done to become happy in the future.  Think about it, if we knew we weren’t going to have a happy life even after graduating from the top college, why would we study?  Why would we work if that doesn’t bring happy times in the end?  All efforts that humans put into their lives are all because they dream of happiness.  Of course, this “happiness” differs with every person because everyone has different interests and hobbies. 
            I am in school right now writing this blog because I want to get a good grade on my report card for journalism class, which will help me get into a good college which will then lead me to a happy life in the end.  If I believed that all this effort I am putting in won’t bring me any happiness, I wouldn’t have even come to school today and just sleep until I get hungry.
            The reason why people commit suicide is because they have lost the meaning of life, happiness.  Since there is no meaning of life for them, it would be same as being dead but just your body being functional.  But I think committing suicide is the dumbest thing ever.  If it is a situation where you are in a hospital at an old age having a hard time and just want to end it, that I understand.  Everyone including you know you are going to die due to an illness, and it hurts to just stay laying down, and all the people in your family feel sorry and don’t know what to do, it is better to just end it faster.  If it is someone that is still at a young age and thinking of committing suicide just because he feels sad, that’s stupid.  My dad once said to me that if you have the courage to commit suicide, you have the courage to do anything in the world.  With that brave spirit, it would be better if that person just started a new life.  He told me this when I was really young but I still remember it because I completely agreed.



Justice is the concept of what is right.  What do I believe in justice?  Honestly, I am not really sure.  I am not really sure because everyone has different justices in their lives.  One might think something is not justice and another might think it is justice.  I think it just depends on what one thinks is right, that is justice.
There are four kinds of justices in my opinion.  The first one is authority.  An example is my parents.  If my parents say that studying is the right thing to do, studying is justice.  What the law tells me to do is justice.  What high people that have control over me tell me to do is justice.  This is the kind of justice that is most invalid in my opinion.  Just because people above me tells me what is justice doesn’t mean that it is completely justice.  For example, if a very religious person tells me to sacrifice a person to the gods saying that that is justice, I won’t do it. 
The second type of justice is democracy.  This is following the majority.  For example, if everyone buys a certain thing, it makes me want to buy it too.  It is justice to buy that certain thing because everyone is doing it.  This is true sometimes but also sort of invalid in my opinion when I think of a situation I had in my life.  When I was in Korea, a lot of people were buying a popular food that is sold in the store.  I tried it out too, of course, following what people do and also because I was curious why how good it tasted that it drew everyone’s attention.  I bought it and tried it out and it tasted like crap.  Everyone else says it is good but to me, it was a waste of money to buy something that tasted so bad.  In this situation, is it justice for me to buy that food and eat it like everyone else is doing?  I don’t think so.  Why would it be right for me to buy something I don’t want?  Anyways, democracy is a type of justice but to me, it is kind of invalid.
The third type of justice is tradition.  This says that since our great grandparents and great great grandparents have done something, justice says that we have to carry on the tradition and do it too.  I have done this before.  My family has a tradition of visiting the ones in our family that have passed away at least once a month.  Most people visit their family graves but not as often as once a month.  This is why my family tradition was special.  This also applied to me when I was in Korea for summer vacation.  We were really busy due to scheduling everything in advance without thinking about our tradition in visiting the graves.  We canceled everything to visit the grave because my family and I felt that it was justice to not break the tradition and continue carrying it on. 
The last type of justice is rationality, which in my opinion is the most valid.  It means what I think is right is justice.  If I think it is right to help someone is danger is a right thing to do, it is justice.  Justice isn’t a definite thing and it varies from people to people which makes this type of justice very valid.  What I think is right in my mind is the true justice.



            Today’s blog is to talk about what I believe about truth and what I think about it.
I believe that truth is one of the most important virtues in this world that keeps it going.  Truth is always hidden in this world.  There are always times where truth is tried to be kept hidden.  I have seen a lot of movies where this is shown.  One movie that I saw was about someone accidently running someone over with their car.  They were scared to tell the police that they did it so they hid the body themselves and planned to act like nothing happened.  They lasted about a week or two and got caught for murder and more importantly hiding the murder.  Their time in jail was made much longer due to the fact that they hid the murder.  If they had just told the truth about what mistake they have caused, they wouldn’t have been in jail as long as they did.  What I realized about truth was that truth will eventually be revealed.  No matter how hard someone tries to hide it, it is impossible to get rid of the truth.  Even though it might take a long time until the truth is revealed, it will get revealed. 
            Truth is something that is needed to keep this society running.  It sometimes seems like truth is not really what is important but it will eventually become the main topic or issue.  My parents always tell me that lying is the guiltiest sin.  My dad even told me that when I don’t listen to what he tells me to do, I will get scolded but if I get caught lying, he will just kick me out of the house.  This shows how importantly he thinks of truth.  He even put it higher in value than following what he tells me to do.
            Truth is something that is needed to keep the world a fair place.  If truth is broken by some people, and they take advantage of that, they might be able to achieve something the easy way out while everyone else is working hard for it.  For example, if somebody in the government is bribed by a rich person for a spot in the government and he gives it to him, how would the people who worked half of their life for a spot in the government?  I have a friend that wants to be a government official and he is working really hard to achieve his dream.  I can’t even imagine what he would think of a person who bribed people to easily get a spot on the government.  As you can see, if truth wasn’t broken and kept strong, the person that was bribing would have not gotten a position in the government, which is correct. 
            Truth is what keeps relationships together.  This “relationship” doesn’t only refer to a husband and wife relationship but also friendship relationships.  When there is a break of truth between any relationships, it shakes and becomes bound to break.  Even the toughest relationships can be broken when there is no truth between them.  Imagine a couple that has been married for 30 years but lie to each other every day.  That relationship that went on for 30 long years can be broken in a single day.
            Truth is something that has to exist in this world for it to be peaceful. 


Today’s topic is to talk about the question, “It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Agree or disagree?”
I personally think that both choices have their own advantages and disadvantages but if I had to choose one, which I do, I would choose moving from one place to another.  I chose this because one will get bored and sick of a place if they stayed there for too long.  That’s human nature.  Anyone will get bored if they are encountered with the same thing for a long time.  This comes from my experience.  I live on a small island called Saipan.  It is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and it is so small that we can’t even see it in most maps.  It is so small that the people here know most of each other.  I have been on this island since elementary school and now I am a high school student which makes it about 8 years on this island.  I am sick of it now.  I know EVERYTHING that goes on and there is nothing interesting in my eyes.  This proves that it is better to move from one place to another so that one will not get bored and experience new things.
The reason some people think it is better to in one city or town is because of experience.  If one does something for a long time, one will gain experience in that.  For example, if I lived in a certain place for a long time, which I did, I will have a lot of people that are close to me in that place or know a way to succeed in that place.  Anyways, one who lived in a place longer than a newbie will be much better at a lot of things.  That is why some people assume that it is better to stay in one place rather than moving around; and this point isn’t completely wrong.  But to me, the writer of this blog, it seems better to move around to many different places and experience new things all around the world.  My grandparents are a good example to this point.  They have lived in the same village for more than 20 years.  They know everyone and everything in that village as if it is their own home.  They don’t even think about moving because they are now too bonded with the people of that village, they are family.  This is a good example of gaining experience in something when done a long time.

All the decisions that the readers of this blog will differ, and that is completely normal because it is one’s will that decides the answer to this question.  There is no definite answer; it is a question with many correct answers.


Today’s prompt is to talk about 10 quotes that I live by. 
One quote I live by is “respect your parents and elders”.  I think this is very important because in many places, especially Korea, there are a lot of students who really act disrespectfully toward adults.  I have seen this happen many times and I feel like they should change.
My second quote that I live by is “Be thankful for what you have”.  There are rich people in the world that are not thankful for what they have and don’t know the importance of what they have.  People that were naturally born into a rich family don’t know how good they have it.  They go out spending as much as they can when there are people in this world that are starving to death. 
My third quote is “Be kind to everyone, even your enemies”.  This sounds stupid, I know.  Why would one be kind to his or her enemy?  This is an understandable question.  I thought it was stupid at first too.  But I realized that being kind will bring kindness to you too.  What goes out eventually comes back in.  It is also possible for an enemy to become your best friend.
My fourth quote is “YOLO”.  This was said by a rapper named Drake.  I didn’t know what this meant at first but my friend told me that it means YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE.  It is basically saying that one should enjoy his or her life because there is only one of it.  You should live everyday as it is your last.
My fifth quote is the famous quote, “The early bird gets the worm”.  It is saying that we should not procrastinate and do what one should do. 
My sixth quote is to always be happy.  There are going to be bad things in life, I know it.  But it is how one interprets that bad thing which determines how it is going to affect one’s life.  I believe that bad things can turn into good things just with mere mind control.  We only live once, why should we live it sadly?
My seventh quote is to forget what happened in the past and think about the future.  I have seen people who dominate their lives with thoughts of the past, good and bad.  I think this is stupid because it is already over and there are things coming at you from the future which is what you should actually think about.  What good does it do to think about the past?
My eighth quote is to take care of health.  My grandparents once said that studying isn’t important, what is really important is your health.  This really stays in my head because I strongly agreed.  Sure, academics is important, but academics can’t be done without health right?  Keeping one’s body healthy is a deed they got when they were born into this world
My ninth quote is to never look down on anyone.  I looked down on people, everyone does.  I realized that everyone has their own story and a reason for their doings.  Even a beggar on the street has their own story.  A lot of people look down on beggars for not even trying to be successful in this world but who knows, maybe he had an illness from birth and has to spend all his money on medication. 
My tenth quote is to WAIT FOR MY NEXT BLOG!!


Today’s prompt is to talk about the question, “What is Happiness?”
This is a hard topic to talk about because everyone has a different definition of happiness.  For some, it might be money, and for some it might be health, and so on.  To me, happiness is something that makes my life more entertaining.
The first thing is watching movies.  I just love to watch movies.  They are my hobby.  The reason I really like watching movies is because when I watch a movie, everyone on my mind is gone including the bad things.  I just concentrate on the movie and forget for a while about things that cause me stress.  For example, school.  When I watch a movie, I forget about what I did in school, what I need to do for school, and so forth.  This might sound bad because it might lead to the conclusion that if I watch movies, my grades will go down.  I totally disagree.  When I watch a movie, all my stress is gone and I can concentrate on my work better.  On the other hand, if my mind is full of stress, I get lazy and procrastinate. 
The second happiness in my life is eating.  This has a similar effect as watching a movie; I forget my stress.  I also like to try out many different kinds of foods from many different countries.  Food is just plain happiness.  Eating brings me joy.  The fact that I attend an international school is great for me because I got to try out many different foods from all different kinds of places. 
Another happiness is friends.  I like to play with my friends because it is just pure fun.  I would like to go on a vacation only with my friends with nobody telling me what we can do and what we cannot do.  This isn’t a realistic wish because I am still a student, but when I get a little older, I would really like to fulfill this wish.
Since everyone has a difference definition of happiness, I guarantee that some people won’t agree to my happiness, but that isn’t wrong.  I guarantee that I won’t agree to some people’s happiness too.  That is what happiness is, what brings joy and happiness.  It’s that simple.  JOY.
It is easy to know what is one’s joy and doing the things that bring them joy but the hard thing is to maintain that happiness.  Maintaining one’s happiness might sound easy but it isn’t actually easy in the real world.  For example, one’s happiness is to stay with his family.  He will have many obstacles to this such as things like work, distance, and so on.  Another example is my grandfather.  His joy is health, being healthy is his goal of happiness.  But this isn’t easy because he is getting older year by year.  He does try his best to maintain his happiness but it is just nature for one to get unhealthy as age gets older.

As you can see, everyone has their own definition of happiness and maintaining that happiness is what is truly important.


Today’s topic is to talk about the book that benefited me the most.
Good-earthThis is basically saying which book I learned most from.  The book that benefited me the most in my opinion is “The Good Earth”.  The reason it benefited me the most is because it taught me a lesson; a lesson about how life goes on no matter how bad it looks.  The Good Earth is a book about a farmer that lives his life difficulty, going through bad weather or problems with land.  It gave me a thought; a thought that says if there is consistency in what you are doing, you can go through it no matter what.
            Another reason it benefited me is because it was fun!  I liked the story line and how there was a lot of irony in it.  It also had a lot of reality, it seemed like it was actually happening.  I like how the main character, Wang Lung, goes through all the trouble but successfully supports his family through hard work.  These kinds of books are very common but this book was the most interesting in my opinion.  I also watched the movie that was made on this book and it was again, entertaining.  Although it was a very old movie (BLACK AND WHITE), I did not get bored during the whole movie and watched the whole thing with joy.
            Another lesson it taught me besides the lesson that life goes on no matter what happens is that hard work always pays off.  Some people might say that hard work is useless and it is just wasting time.  They say that there is always an easy way out of anything.  But it isn’t true.  There might be some lucky moments where one finds an easy way out and gets the same results as one who worked hard, but it isn’t common and I don’t recommend it.  I have seen this lesson pay off in school.  I had a test and one day I felt really lazy and told myself to just skim through the study guide.  The results were bad and I regretted being lazy.  On the other hand, on one quiz, I really studied hard.  I read the information several times, took notes, and did all I can possibly do to get the info in my head.  Guess what, I aced the test and felt really proud that I worked hard for it.  A difference between working hard and finding an easy way out is of course, the results, but also how one feels about it.  If one found an easy way out and actually got a good result, he still wouldn’t feel as good as working hard and getting the results that he deserved.  On the other hand, if one studied hard and got the results he was aiming for, he would feel really proud of himself and this is important.

            The Good Earth is a book that I will remember for the rest of my life and I am planning to recommend it to my children later in life.  Since I went through the experience of earning an important lesson from it, I would like it if my children got the same lesson I got.

looks or ideas

Today’s prompt is to discuss the question, “looks or ideas?” 
It’s asking whether looks are important or the ideas you have is important.
Personally, I believe that ideas are much more important than looks in society.  Some people say that looks are much more important and that without looks, one can’t succeed in society.  I think this argument is as absurd as it can be.  We can see this by comparing.  If I compare a society with all ugly smart people with a society with all handsome and pretty people that are dumb.  The ugly society is highly intellectual and has everything that is needed.  On the other hand, the “looks” society has all the possible good looking people.  But they don’t have any clue on how to run a country and how to keep things in order.  Which society would you choose?  I would most definitely choose the “ideas” society because I don’t want to be in a society that is in chaos with murders everywhere and etc. 
People can’t succeed in life with just looks.  Looks is a very minor thing in life, although it looks important.  Just with looks, there is nothing possible.  One might say that a good looking person might be able to succeed as an actor or a model but they can’t with JUST looks.  They need “ideas”, motivation, effort, talent, and etc. to succeed in anything.
Looks don’t bring anything.  People argue against this saying that looks bring affection but I strongly disagree.  I once thought that looks do bring affection and love but I was wrong.  It is very easy to mistake this because looks seem to bring affection, but it’s actually not the looks but the personality or things about the person.  Even if looks sometimes do bring affection, that affection is not the real affection.  For example, the prettiest girl comes to our class and says that she is the new student.  Every boy would feel affection towards her right after seeing her.  This “affection” is not real.  If that girl had a bad personality or bad manners and was mean to everyone, there would be no affection towards her from anybody.  This proves that even the most beautiful girl in the world might not receive affection because looks are just what is on the outside when it is the inside that truly matters.
Critic Who Calls Kate Upton Fat Threated And Hacked By Anonymous [PHOTOS, VIDEO]                 On the other hand, people with not so great looks but with great ideas receive lots of love.  A great example of this is Bill Gates.  He is one of the richest men in the whole world.  He achieved this with ideas, not looks.  Honestly Bill Gates isn’t the most handsome person, and I believe that everyone will agree.  Even though he doesn’t have the looks, he is one of the most successful person is the world.  When someone asks me who the most successful person in the world is, I’ll answer Bill Gates.  He had the ideas of creating a complex system of the computer and now, it is the mostly used system in computers today.  He is very successful.  He also gives it to charity which makes him more a hero.
                As you can see, looks do not determine success, it is the ideas.