Thursday, December 12, 2013


Justice is the concept of what is right.  What do I believe in justice?  Honestly, I am not really sure.  I am not really sure because everyone has different justices in their lives.  One might think something is not justice and another might think it is justice.  I think it just depends on what one thinks is right, that is justice.
There are four kinds of justices in my opinion.  The first one is authority.  An example is my parents.  If my parents say that studying is the right thing to do, studying is justice.  What the law tells me to do is justice.  What high people that have control over me tell me to do is justice.  This is the kind of justice that is most invalid in my opinion.  Just because people above me tells me what is justice doesn’t mean that it is completely justice.  For example, if a very religious person tells me to sacrifice a person to the gods saying that that is justice, I won’t do it. 
The second type of justice is democracy.  This is following the majority.  For example, if everyone buys a certain thing, it makes me want to buy it too.  It is justice to buy that certain thing because everyone is doing it.  This is true sometimes but also sort of invalid in my opinion when I think of a situation I had in my life.  When I was in Korea, a lot of people were buying a popular food that is sold in the store.  I tried it out too, of course, following what people do and also because I was curious why how good it tasted that it drew everyone’s attention.  I bought it and tried it out and it tasted like crap.  Everyone else says it is good but to me, it was a waste of money to buy something that tasted so bad.  In this situation, is it justice for me to buy that food and eat it like everyone else is doing?  I don’t think so.  Why would it be right for me to buy something I don’t want?  Anyways, democracy is a type of justice but to me, it is kind of invalid.
The third type of justice is tradition.  This says that since our great grandparents and great great grandparents have done something, justice says that we have to carry on the tradition and do it too.  I have done this before.  My family has a tradition of visiting the ones in our family that have passed away at least once a month.  Most people visit their family graves but not as often as once a month.  This is why my family tradition was special.  This also applied to me when I was in Korea for summer vacation.  We were really busy due to scheduling everything in advance without thinking about our tradition in visiting the graves.  We canceled everything to visit the grave because my family and I felt that it was justice to not break the tradition and continue carrying it on. 
The last type of justice is rationality, which in my opinion is the most valid.  It means what I think is right is justice.  If I think it is right to help someone is danger is a right thing to do, it is justice.  Justice isn’t a definite thing and it varies from people to people which makes this type of justice very valid.  What I think is right in my mind is the true justice.


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