Thursday, December 12, 2013


Today’s blog is what I think about art. 
Some people say that art is not important but I completely disagree.  I think that art is a something that you can express your emotions in.  That is not common in the world which makes it more special.  Our school had an art class and I completely enjoyed it.  I took out my stress in that class.  That was the only class in school that I actually enjoyed.
                Colleges do not look at your art class grade if your school had one.  This is a right thing to do but it doesn’t mean that art is something that should be taken for granted.
                What do you think of when you hear the word “Art”?  Most people would think of paintings like Mona Lisa or a picture.  But art exists in many forms and shapes.  For example, musicians view their music as art.  Collectors call their collection art. As you can see, if one can see beauty in something, it is art to them.  There is a good example of this and that is my dad.  My dad liked to collect car models when he was young.  He made me try when I was young but it wasn’t really my type.  To him, those cars that he collected were art in his eyes.  When grandma got rid of them because she thought it was trash, my dad got really mad at her for touching his stuff, especially his most value items.  After that day, grandma did not touch my dad’s stuff without his permission.  As seen in my dad’s story, art is something that is special and meaningful to someone.
                Something that I want to point out is that art doesn’t have to be something expensive and nice.  It could be trash to someone who doesn’t know the value of it.  For example, if someone’s mom gave it to him as a present but now it is old and dusty, it is still art to him.  If other people see it and not know the story behind that item, it will look like old crap and trash to them.  But for the person who received that present from his mom, it is a very special thing to them.  These kinds of situations are shown often in movies.  I have seen one movie where one guy protects an old rusty necklace because that is something that his mom gave it to him on the day she passed away.  That was all he had left of her.  This is art.

                Everyone has their “art”.  Even you.  Maybe you won’t know it but you might see something very beautiful when everyone sees it as trash.  That is art to you.

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