Thursday, December 12, 2013


Today’s topic is to talk about how I connect to others.
Today’s technology allows us to communicate without actually meeting face to face.  I go online on Facebook at least once a day to check if anyone contacted me.  There are also cellphones and other tech that allows us to contact the minute we want to.  Even though we have these nice and cool technology, some people try to meet face to face, especially if it is an important meeting. I connect to others in a special kind of way. I connect to others through mostly technology, like kakao talk or facebook, or twitter, or tumblr. 
                Another way of connecting to others is by connecting with heart.  This only happens between really close people like couples or brothers or parents and so on.  I see this as the real connection where no words are needed between the connections.  It is like a natural connection that forms when two or more people get really close. 
                A connection is not made from the start, it starts with words.  I like to connect to people too and I do it by just spending time and talking.  We share our similarities and differences and just talk about what we think about it.  This looks not important but it is an important skill that needs to be learned in life.  Making connections with people around is a skill that will get you friends or people that you will need when you are having a hard time.  For example, if one does not know this skill, he or she won’t get any friends.  Then when he or she goes into a hard time for something, which will happen at least once in a lifetime, he or she won’t have anybody to stay by their side.  
Everybody Needs a Friend                Our race or age doesn’t matter when it comes to making connections.  I could bond with my grandpa and that is a connection.  I have friends who are all different races with me and that doesn’t come in the way of I making a connection with them.  Now they are people who I need in my life. 

                When a successful connection has occurred, it is not really common for really close people to separate.  

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