Sunday, October 6, 2013


Today’s prompt is to define beauty.  According to the dictionary, beauty is defined as the quality or aggregation of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the sense.  Everyone has a different view of beauty because everyone has different sense and taste.  There are also many forms of beauty
            The first type of beauty is the beauty that most people think of, physical beauty.  The word “beauty” doesn’t have a specific meaning.  It just means it brings pleasure to the sense.  Everybody has a different taste which also means that everyone has a different meaning of beauty.  This also applies to me.  I have my view of beauty and I know the most of my friends have different taste. 
            Another type of beauty, the more important, is inner beauty.  I believe that a person is truly beautiful if that person has a beautiful inner spirit.  This includes how she thinks, her personality, and how honest she is.  If a person is really beautiful outside but very corrupt on the inside, she is not beautiful.  The reason people get scammed or robbed is because they can only see what is on the outside and not the inside.  If they know what the person looks like on the inside, there would be nothing such as robbing or scamming.  I know that it is impossible for a person to have a complete beautiful inside.  It is the nature of humans to get bad thoughts and not always stay beautiful.  But having the thought that a bad thought is bad and trying to not listen to it is good enough to be considered beautiful.
            Something beautiful does not always have to be a human.  It could be an animal or scenery ANYTHING that brings pleasure to the sense.  When I was in Korea, I went hiking with my friends and tried going up to the top of the mountain.  When we climbed all the way up the mountain, the view was amazing.  It was beautiful.  The view was amazing because we could see all the other mountains and also how small our village is.  I felt like I was very close to the clouds and the winds were so strong that I felt I was going to fly away.  This was the feeling I felt when I was on top of that mountain, the feeling of beauty.  Another example of beauty I felt was when I first came to Saipan.  I don’t like Saipan right now because I am sick and tired of it but when I first came here it was a paradise.  The sky was full of clouds, the ocean was emerald blue, and the air was so clean.  There is also a lot of rainbows in Saipan which really caught my eye.  He rainbow was so clear as compared to Korea’s and it still stays in my memory, even after more than 5 years.

            Most people might consider the physical beauty to be the most important but it isn’t if we look at it the other way around.  Imagine a person that is really beautiful but thinks only about bad things to do.  I wouldn’t like her.  Would you?  On the other hand, if someone is not the prettiest person in the world but has the kindest heart in the world, I would like her.  As you can see, physical beauty has its thing but it is actually the inner beauty that truly matters.

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