Sunday, October 6, 2013


The topic for today’s blog is what I want on my tombstone.  This topic was a little different from any of my other blogs because I have never thought about what I want on my tombstone.  I have seen tombstones before in real life and know what they look like and have on them but I don’t like them because they all seem the same and nothing different in particular.
            What I want on my tombstone isn’t very specific, I just want mine to be very different from others.  For example, I would like pictures of my life from a child all the way up to the time when I died.  It would be like a timeline shown in pictures.  The reason I want this is because I had felt the feeling of reading a tombstone of someone and wanting to see what the person looked like.  This would make my tombstone really big but I am okay with that because it would make it special.
            Just because I want my tombstone to be special, it does not mean that I don’t want the normal things.  The normal things on a tombstone includes a full name, the date you were born and the date you die, and some comments about that person.  These things are essential things on a tombstone and I agree that these things should be on my tombstone.  Some things that I want alongside my name and my family’s names are the names of my friends.  I consider my friends as family so I think that they deserve a place on my tombstone. 
            I would like if there was a list of all my accomplishments on my tombstone.  Just having my name there would not show who I am.  It would show my name and which family I belonged to, but it wouldn’t show who I was as a person.  For example, if I donated most of my money to charity, I would like it if people knew about it by reading my tombstone.  It should say something like “This man was a great and generous man because he donated a large portion of his money for charity”.  People who see this will know what kind of good things I did and have respect for me and my children who will still be alive.  Even though I want the good things that I did on my tombstone, I do not want the bad things on there.  This would just have a negative effect when it is not needed.  I would be already dead and nothing would change the past.  I think there is not a single tombstone that shows the bad things of the person that is buried there.  Even if the person is a murderer, I think it won’t show what he or she did but just talk about the good things about that person or excuses on why he had to do the things he or she did.

            Everyone would want something different on their tombstones and I think that it is the opinion of the person who was buried there that should determine what would be on the tombstone.

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