Sunday, October 6, 2013


Today’s prompt is to discuss whether playing computer games is a waste of time.  Computer gaming is becoming a big issue in our society because it is being played more and more by kids and surprisingly adults.
            This is a waste of time when we do it even though we have a lot of things to do.  For example, there is a lot of homework and a student pushes his or her homework to play computer games.  This is called procrastination.  I experienced this a lot when I was in middle school.  I had a lot of times when I didn’t do the homework or forgot about the homework because computer games was all I had in my mind.  After I came into high school and there was much more work to do, I changed and decided to quit computer games completely.  This boosted up my grades by a lot.  Another thing to remember is that when you are in high school, there is not enough time to do everything while playing games.  Also, playing games stays in our minds and prevents us from doing homework or concentrating on doing homework. 
            On the other hand, enjoying games once in a while for fun isn’t a bad thing.  For example, when your friends come over to your house for the weekend and playing computer games for about an hour or two isn’t such a bad thing.  If it controls your life and computer game is all you think about, you got a problem.  Playing for an hour or two just for the fun of it is actually a good thing rather than a bad thing.  It can help relieve stress that you got from the school days or even just make you feel entertained.  It can be seen as watching or movie or playing a sport. 
            Some things to think about when playing games is that you won’t get that time back.  Computer games are mostly played by students which means that students spend their time playing games when they could be studying and raising their grades.  This time of the life is a very important part that can’t be redone.  So if you are a student and is playing games rather than doing homework or studying, think about it once more and realize how important the time you are playing games is.
            Computer games is also a waste of time because you don’t get anything out of it.  Even if we play games a lot and become a high skilled player, there isn’t anything that we can get out of it that will help you in society.  It just takes your time, and doesn’t give anything in return.  This situation is similar to that of you giving a stranger money and not receiving anything back. 
            After you read this, think about how you could use your time wisely in your life.  I’m not saying that playing computer games is always bad and should be punished, I am saying that if computer games start to dominate your life, you are wasting an important part of your life for nothing.  You are giving up important parts of your life and not getting anything back.

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