Wednesday, September 18, 2013


                Today’s topic is “Cellphone usage in Saipan International School.” 
                In my opinion, I think cellphone usage is completely fine if it doesn’t disturb others.  Cell phones have now become a big part of our lives and it is surely important.  My school, Saipan International School, currently has a rule that does not allow students to use a cellphone at any time of the school day.  I think strongly that this rule should be changed so that students are free to use their cellphone in school.
        The first reason why I think that cell phones should be allowed in school is because everyone has emergencies.  There might have been an accident or

some other emergency that the student needs to know.  If phones were allowed in school, the student could have received a call or a text message telling him or her about the emergency.  On the other hand, if that student could not use his or her phone during school hours, she would have known about the emergency a while later where she would be not much of a help.  Another example is when practice for a school sport has been canceled.  This is a personal experience that I dealt with in previous years.  I was supposed to have a soccer practice after school but it was cancelled due to weather.  I needed to tell my mom this so that she can pick me up but I couldn’t since my school doesn’t allow cellphone use.  So I had to wait until afterschool to call my mom.  She told me that she thought I had practice so she made other plans that end the same time as my practice.  I had to wait for another hour afterschool for my mom to come pick me up.
                Another reason why cell phones should be allowed is because that’s the only way that parents have contact with their children.  Some parents feel anxious about not being able to contact their children.  They feel uneasy because they might be somewhere where they should not be or be with someone bad.  If a parent talks to his or her child on the phone, it makes them feel more stable and more trusting toward their children.
                Most of the people who agree on banning cell phones in schools almost have one identical reason; it interferes with study.  It is true that it may interfere with studying but it is the student’s job to manage how he or she will study and how he or she will study.  If someone chooses to play on his phone the whole school day, he or she will suffer later, either in college or in life.  What I am saying is that playing with a phone is a student’s choice and it is the students who choose what they will do with their life so we should leave them to do what they choose to do.
                Cell phones should be allowed in school but not while anyone takes a test.  Cell phones these days are very advanced and a student can find the answer to a problem probably in less than a minute.  If phones were allowed during tests, I guarantee that students will cheat.  Other than that, cellphone usage might actually be helpful in learning.  Teenagers are so used to using cell phones that they can search up a topic or learn about something in a cellphone.  Rather than using a book to learn, cell phones might be a good tool to research a topic. 
                Although there are reasons why a school should restrict cell phones, I think that cell phones should be allowed due to the reasons stated above.

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