Monday, September 30, 2013


The prompt for this blog is to define success.  Success is defined as “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempt or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals” in the dictionary.
        The definition of success may vary between people and that is correct because everyone has a different goal in his or her life.  To me, success means happiness.  A majority of the people would define success as getting rich and becoming a respected man and this is true but I think the true definition of success is happiness.  I don’t like the definition of success being rich and respected because even though one is rich and respected, it doesn’t mean that he or she is happy.  I’m not saying that all the people who are rich are not successful.  I am saying that the money does not matter in determining whether a person is successful or not.  For example, someone who is the richest person in the world and also the most respected person in the world might not have happiness because he is too occupied with making more money.  This occupation will give him stress and take away his happiness.  To me, this man is not successful.  On the other hand, a normal salary man with a happy family that works hard for his loving family is a successful man in my eyes. 
        This is why the dream of my life isn’t to be just rich.  My dream is to be happy.  It is better if I am rich and still be happy but if that’s not the case, I would choose happiness, the definition of my success.  I want to have a happy family with a stable job that can support the whole family and have some spare for fun.
        Although I believe that success is happiness, it is lying if I don’t mention money.  Even though I said that happiness isn’t just being rich, I would like to be rich.  I would like to be very rich and have a huge house with many cars that I like.  But having too much money is not really good in my opinion.  It makes the person think differently about the world.  He sees everything as money and thinks that he is above everyone which is untrue.  Having just enough money for a person and his family to spend and have fun will keep the person the same.  I have heard someone say that money can change a person.  I definitely agree with this quote and I keep it in mind so that if somehow I get really rich, I will not change and still be the same person as I am now. 
        I can’t say what the definition of success is; I can only say what my definition of success is, happiness.  Success is a word that has different meanings for every different person.  This short blog talks about my definition of success and that definition can be different from other people.  This doesn’t mean that anyone is right or wrong.  Everyone is right even though everyone has different answers to the question, “What is the definition of success?” 

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