Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The blog topic for today is “Do you think people were nicer in the past rather than now? Explain why or why not.”  This is a hard question to answer because people are always not all completely kind.  There are kind people and unkindly people.  There was not even one society in history where all the people were kind.
In order to answer this question, we need to think broad.  In general, I would choose the people in the past as kinder people than people nowadays.  There was a lot of sharing and love in the past if compared with the present.  They shared their belongings such as food with neighbors and family.  I am not saying that people today never share and never love each other.  I am saying that a large majority was loving and caring in the past and a small majority is love and caring in the present.  For example, people in the past would try to share as much as they can with people around them.  Now, many of you might think that if people shared as much as they can with other people, there will be nothing left for them, but this wasn’t a problem because the other people shared with them too.  People nowadays try to get as much as they can for themselves and not for the people around them.
I think that the reason people were kinder in the past is because of communication and technology.  People in the past communicated by talking in person and telling a lot of stories.  People nowadays have very nice technology such as TV, laptop, phone, or iPod which prevents them from talking a lot with people around them and sharing their experiences, getting farther and farther in relationship.  

                An example of an older person being kinder than people today is my grandparents.  Every time I go to Korea, I visit my grandparents’ house in the countryside.  I got my answer to today’s topic from this experience.  Every time I go there, I feel that I should act better when I am in Seoul.  This is because there is so much difference in the way people act towards each other.  When I go down to the countryside, they give me unbelievable amounts of things starting from food up to money.  I don’t really feel that people from the past is kind until I arrive in Seoul.  When I arrived in Seoul, I had to ride the subway to go back home.  While doing this, everyone on the subway pushed each other so that they could go to the front.  I also did this as a habit, thinking only of myself and not of the other people around you.  But then a thought came to me, the thought about the people in the countryside.  This whole experience was a good one for me.  It made me realize how corrupt we are in the present society.
                This is why I think that the people from the past is kinder compared to the people today.


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