Sunday, September 1, 2013




Today’s blog assignment is to talk about my favorite superhero.  I personally think that a “super hero” is defined as someone with a kind heart that does all he can do for the good.  Some people think that a superhero has to have special powers or abilities but I disagree.  Anyways, that depends on what you personally think.
             I had a hard time choosing my favorite superhero because I’m not really a fan of all the heroes and villains and saving the world.  After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that my favorite superhero is Batman.  Although I don’t know all about Batman, with the things I know about him, he is the best.
             The first reason why I chose Batman as my favorite superhero is because he doesn’t have any powers.  Now, many of you will be thinking that this is bad, but I think the opposite.  I think that he is more a superhero than superheroes with powers because he has to try harder to accomplish what he is doing.  Superheroes with powers can just use their powers to save the day but Batman is just an ordinary man that spends his time building things and thinking of ways to get rid of the bad guys.  What I am saying is that Batman puts way more effort into saving the day than the superheroes with powers, which makes him a real hero.
             Another reason that I chose Batman is because of his machines.  I really like the way they look and how they work.  For example is his motorcycle; it can shoot guns, flip around, jump, go really fast, etc.  He makes these things even though he is just an ordinary man, same as you.
             I also like him because he doesn’t care about the fame and has a simple goal of getting rid of evil.  A good comparison might be Iron man.  Iron Man has many similarities with Batman because they both don’t have superpowers, likes to build things, does their best to get rid of evil, and is successful in doing that.  As mentioned above, I like Batman over Iron Man because Batman doesn’t care about the fame.  Iron Man does care about the fame, which takes him off my list of heroes.  Iron Man takes into consideration about what the internet says, what people say about him, how he will look cooler, and things like that when he builds machines.  Batman just thinks about how he can get rid of the villains better which makes him the true hero and also my favorite.
             The last reason why I favor Batman is because of his costume.  I think that his costume is the coolest out of all the superheroes.  His costume basically is color black and mimics a bat (therefore called batman).  My favorite color is black, which also had an influence in me choosing Batman. 
             I was a little disappointed that Batman didn’t come out in the movie Avengers.  I really enjoyed Avengers because it had all the heroes I knew fighting the villains.  I felt that the heroes in Avengers weren’t complete.
             Anyways, this is why I chose Batman as my favorite hero.  I hope each and everyone one of you has a hero that you personally like.  Thank you and wait for my next blog!

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