Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What are three things that will make my life perfect?

Today’s blog topic is the question, “What are three things that will make my life perfect?”

When I saw this topic, I immediately thought of money.  I know this sounds bad and not moral, but everyone needs money.  Imagine living in this harsh world without a single dime, almost impossible.  People may say that money just makes people corrupt and it is not needed in life but I think differently.  I know that money isn’t everything in the world, but it is an essential thing we need in life.  If we have money, we can get almost everything we want.  Without money, I can’t do the things I want to such as traveling, eating, or even playing a sport.  If I imagine my life without a single dime, it would be a meaningless life, spending everyday doing nothing and eating things that I don’t want.  Not a good life.
            Another thing that is essential in life is love.  It may seem not really important but it is.  For example, the kids in poor countries where their parents left them have no life but finding food for the day.  That is not life but survival.  When I see those kids in posters and ads, I feel happy because I know that I am being loved.  Of course, my parents and I have some fights and arguments but deep inside, we love each other. 
            Another love is not parental love but love for the opposite sex.  If someone is really rich but doesn’t have anyone to love, his life will be boring.  The same goes for the girl.  If a girl doesn’t have anyone to love for life, it will be boring.  Even when someone is in pain, physically or mentally, a lover can heal him.
            The last thing that is needed in life for it to be happy is friends.  When I went to Korea this summer vacation, I really missed my friends and found out how big they were in my life.  When I got bored in Korea, all I thought of was playing with my friends.  I also always play on the weekends with my friends.  This is what keeps me going on schooldays.  When I feel tired, I tell myself that after all this studying, I will get rewarded with the weekends with my friends.  If there was no weekends with my friends, there will be nothing that keeps me going.  When I am not in a good mood because of certain things, it is always my friends that cheer me up and make me forget about it.  For example, I was really depressed because I failed a test.  My friend came up to me and told me that there is always another chance, another test to bring my grade up.  This made me see the light and made me try harder.  This thought that made me try harder completely brought my grade up and it was higher than before.

            These are the three things that make my life perfect.  I just can’t imagine a world without at least one of these things.  But these things can’t be earned just for free and needs a lot of effort to achieve.  I hope you can achieve all these things too.

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