Sunday, September 22, 2013


                Today’s topic is the question, “What superpower would you like to have?” 
                If I could choose from any superpower, I would choose the ability to read minds.  I know it doesn’t look as cool looking abilities like flying or being invisible but there are many ways to use this power.      
First of all, nobody would know about it.  If my power was the ability to fly, people would definitely see it and do something about it.  Reading minds can never be revealed to the public unless I reveal it myself, which I will never do.            The reason why I would never reveal my superpower to the public is because if they know about this fascinating power, they would maybe stay away from me or try not to get associated with me.  If you knew someone that could read anyone’s minds, would you want to stay close to them and be associated with what they do?  I think nobody would.  Another reason I wouldn’t reveal it to the public is because I want to take advantage of my powers.  For example, if I go to a casino, I would make a lot of cash.  If people knew about me and my powers, they wouldn’t even attempt to play.
The second reason why I chose this superpower is because it would be very useful to read other people’s minds.  I would be very successful in life if I can read people’s minds.  For example, I could read a teacher’s mind to see the answers to a test or I can go to a casino and win a ton of cash.  I could also read my parents’ mind to see what they are thinking or a friend’s mind to see what they actually think of me.  Many people lose a lot of money to frauds but that will never happen to me because I can read the mind of everyone and know what they are actually thinking.
There are many people who lose best friends due to collision of opinions.  This could never happen if I can read people’s minds because I can tell what my friend’s opinion is and match my opinion with him and we will never have arguments and fights.
The most important reason why I chose this power and not the others is because this power does not mess or interfere with my body.  For example, if you can fly, there will be a time where you can get really hurt or even die.  The power to read someone’s mind is never harmful or deadly.  If I had a power that could fight or do anything physical, the people of the society will expect me to help the society.  I have no problem with helping society but I don’t want to use my whole life doing that.  I would like to enjoy my life with the power to read other people’s minds.


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